Nothing much to write about really so will combine the 2 days into the one entry.
Had a quick chat over breakfast with Anne-Marie, the young german lady whom I had toured the canals with a few days previous. She was getting ready to fly back to China to meet back up with her brother for a few weeks before hopefully coming back to southern Thailand to visit one of the national parks there. I wished her well on her journey but I still owe them all that beer as they successfully climbed Wat Arun after I had left them there. She said it was very hard work but worth the effort so on that recommendation I plan to get up early tommorow and make my way there before it gets TOO hot.
After breakfast I made my way to the shopping malls using the BTS and got lost there for a few hours, managing to pick up 2 pairs of lightweight material shorts and 2 more easy dry fabric t-shirts for around 12 pounds. I will have to sort out some things to ditch tomorrow, heavier items of clothing probably, extra bulk that I can't justify carrying. I also bought bite cream for my munched legs and a mosquito plug in. These things are all going to be taking up room. It would be easy if a quater of my bag space wasn't being taken up with diabetic drugs and equipment, but unfortunately that's kind of essential.
Whereas I was able to save on the shorts and tops, I decided to spend big on the footware as with my knee how it is, cheap or brand imitation trainers just weren't going to be a viable option. I now have a decent pair of walking trainers which should see me through the next couple of months travel with ease. So easily infact I don't even have to do the laces up.
This morning I had a little run in with an american called burt (now pronounced "berk" ) who decided to try to whinge and intimidate from his bed about the amount of noise I was making rustling a few carrier bags at around 9am. "Jeez man, can you make any more noise, enough already.........etc". Think he may have forgotten he was staying in shared room and not his own private suite at the ritz.
I snapped back. Partly through tiredness, partly due to having the onset of a sugar low but mainly because he's a dick. They quaratine cleaner animals with higher IQ's than Berk, hell they even put less offensive animals down, but he can get away with it, being the centre of the known universe and all that.
I don't want that to be anyway misconstrued as anti american sentiment by the way, on this journey alone I have been fortunate enough to meet and share time with some great ones already, but Berk isn't one of those. Berk's can be found from every nation in every corner of this ever shrinking planet I'm sure, it's just american berk just happened to find his way into the same shared dorm as me this morning, and I hope that's the last time I encounter his kind again on this trip.
Did he sound like Willie Rushden?