Am I doing the right thing?
First port of call this morning was the Dr's surgery for the second of my hepatitis b injections. Whilst there the rather lovely nurse managed to sweet talk me into also having a flu jab as their
supply was now ready. I apprehensively agreed. Apprehensively because in the past I have suffered from adverse effects afterwards.
supply was now ready. I apprehensively agreed. Apprehensively because in the past I have suffered from adverse effects afterwards.
Today was no different.
After the injections i gathered a few things into a small bag and made my way via bus the relatively short journey to Bristol's Temple Meads, then furthered my travels via train to Cardiff where I intended to do a few little things before meeting some family members for a spot of lunch in the bay area of the city.
First task, go to the bank to;
A) clear off a small amount that was residing snugly on my credit card (failed. Needs a further call to the card services to see why it couldn't be paid).
B) receive some verbal abuse from the rather lovely lady (seeing a pattern) with whom I spoke to notify the bank of my intention to travel to the destinations in mind, hopefully avoiding my card getting blocked the first time I use it away from U.K shores.
I explained light heartedly my travel plans, dropped in mention of mid-life crisis and how the idea had been gnawing away for a little while before I finally baulked, booked my flights and quit my job. Eventually we hit the standard security questions.
I explained light heartedly my travel plans, dropped in mention of mid-life crisis and how the idea had been gnawing away for a little while before I finally baulked, booked my flights and quit my job. Eventually we hit the standard security questions.
Postcode - I gave my postcode - all OK
Date of birth - I gave my date of birth - "Yep, mid-life crisis" she sharply quipped.
1-0 to the rather lovely and quick witted lady in Cardiff, I'm definitely out of shape.
Post lunch I made my return journey back to Bristol. I felt weary after a mere 3 hours or so travelling on public transport and thoughts turned to the task I had set myself of not only traversing around South East Asia, but the more immediate trip from Bristol to Heathrow to Bangkok that was looming into view over shortening horizons. This was going to hurt, no bloody question.
Fast forward 2 hours, I found myself wrapped in layers, sweating, shivering and generally suffering all the effects of full blown flu. Now it's apparent why the journey today was a little hard going. That little jab gets me every time.
So, the question remains, am I doing the right thing?
With any big decision there will be ups and downs. Reasons to stay, reasons to go. Doubts, concerns, excitement, fear. Remember that the past is done & gone, the future is never guaranteed so wring the living daylights out of every "now" moment. I saw this the other day and thought of you...