Friday, 27 September 2013

2 days to departure

Lists are evil.

Some people spend their whole lives listing from one to another, but I have come to loathe their very notion.

In the last few weeks I have written a lot of lists covering things to buy, obtain, chase and prepare, none are ever finished. They each shout "you have failed".

A new fresh list is then created from the failures of previous lists, along with a few new items to portray the feeling that your not just going over old ground. This list will also not be completed. As James Earl Jones never said in the lion king, it's the circle of lists.

So lists are evil, but like a list junkie searching his next hit, I know I need one right now.

Tomorrow I start to pack. I know that without the list to hand, halfway to destination a,b or c the little Paul Daniels guy who lives in my mind will whip off the black memory block sheet he has had draped over at least one important item.  The inside of this sheet will fleetingly show four letters, which I must refrain from using in  public.

Lists have the power to influence and control everything from emotion to actions and lots in between which I'm not going to write. A final 2 finger salute to the listings on this page.

Now where's my pen?

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