Friday, 27 September 2013

3 days to departure - Bin there

 3 days....

The Ted Rodgers salute is projected into my mind, in slo-mo of course, just to emphasise the fact that time is running short.

Few more little things bought for my travels including a couple of name tags for my luggage bag and another money belt for around my waist for when my single 70's US cop style money holster just doesn't cut it. If only I had planned this a little better I could have cultivated myself a proper Magnum P.I moustache.

maybe I can buy one when I get there.

I have ordered a small amount of currency for some of the countries that I'm planning on journeying to, but even though it only equates to around 58 pounds, 2,000,000 Vietnamese dong seems like an excessive amount to be packing.

Whilst on Dong's (Google with safe search on kids), research tells me there is a place in the Lam Dong region of Vietnam called Ding Sait where every man, woman and child bears uncanny resemblance to the late, great English actor Lesley Phillips.*

My mind portrays the image of Ted again, I guess It's a prompt for me to get out there and sort my last few things. I'm after the holiday after all and not that damn Dusty Bin.

Guess I should thinking about pa(ni)cking now right Thomas?

*could contain elements of mistruths.

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