Monday, 21 January 2019

21/01/2019 - Hold on lads...I've got an idea

Nearly 3 years since I was in Bangkok.
3 years older. 3 years less fit. 3 years heavier.

I've got just over 3 months left until I (hopefully) finish the photograhy degree that I embarked upon in 2016. It's been a slog, life has frequently got in the way but now, the end is near, and so I face, the final front curtain shutter.

I need to do something to go out with a bang. To make the last 3 years worthwhile. I'm not ashamed to admit that I find life in the U.K a bit of a chore, the winter months in their subdued light drag by ever more slowly and my enthusiam for anything other coffee and sleep (naturally uneasy bedfellows) mean that I generally feel that I'm not in the best place to end what I'm doing with the kind of flourish one would like.

So I've come up with a plan/really, really loose idea.
It's one that I'm not sure is going to work. Money is going to be tight and this trip isn't going to be like the others. This will be about getting an assignment done. Perhaps more than one. There are people and places that I'm going to want to go and see but likely won't be able to. I will be spending as much time at a desk working as I'm out exploring and taking photos and will probably be based in just a couple of locations.

Did I mention that I am 3 years older, 3 years less fit and 3 years heavier?

So while I may have had an idea, I'm still not overly convinced that it's a good one.

It could be a disaster, or it could be 24ct gold.

But there is only one way that I'm going to find out


Now, has anyone seen my old prep lists from 2013?

(picture courtesy of Paramount Pictures)


  1. Go for it, Jimmer! Although, given that you are three years heavier; perhaps you should sit near the front of the bus?

  2. Hi James, Have sent emails (2) You still there ?
